What is my role, what can I do?
As a citizen
Do you know where to find information on support services or legal measures available for victims of violence against women?
Do you have helplines, women shelters, rape crisis and sexual assault centres or women’s counselling centres available in your country?
Do you have information on access and assistance with complaint mechanisms offered at regional or international level?
There is a tool for decision-makers which ensures that the answer to all those questions is yes.
It is called the Istanbul Convention and it structures and encourages the state in its responsibility to prevent violence against women, protect victims and prosecute the perpetrators.
What is my role, what can I do?
Everyone has a role. To get involved in ending violence against women you can take action and share on your favorite social media, see below :
There is a tool for decision-makers which ensures that the answer to all those questions is yes.
It is called the Istanbul Convention and it structures and encourages the state in its responsibility to prevent violence against women, protect victims and prosecute the perpetrators.
Has your country ratified it?
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