Sexual violation against a child is an attempt to destroy a human being’s future...
Since antiquity, corruption has been one of the most widespread and insidious social evils...
Our European culture is a product of our rich and diverse...
Democracy means the freedom to vote for whoever you want...
Disability More than 100 million Europeans have a disability. They often face a range of barriers...
Stalking, sexual harassment, sexual violence (including rape), physical and psychological...
Human Rights Human rights are one of the three core principles of the Council of Europe, along...
How many passwords do you need to remember? Or even worse, you have only one for all...
The safety of journalists is at stake. In Europe today, reporters and other media...
Racism and intolerance are not acceptable in any society. Different points of view and cultural...
Migration is not a threat to our democracies, but intolerance and hatred undoubtedly are...
Some 10 - 12 million Roma people are estimated to live in Europe...
The European Social Charter is a Council of Europe treaty that guarantees fundamental social...
Sport acts as a force for social integration, tolerance and understanding...
Terrorism Terrorism is a threat against democracy, the rule of law and human rights and most of...