Racism and intolerance
Racism and intolerance are not acceptable in any society. Different points of view and cultural inputs enrich any discussion and encourage progress and success. A society that resists multicultural influence is a crippled society.
Combating racism and intolerance can only be effective if we all work together to make it happen. The Council of Europe works to raise awareness and to build bridges rather than fences. Do you want to know more about how we build bridges? The answer is just a click away.
Council of Europe videos on Racism and intolerance

9'40"Watch now
Interview with ECRI Vice Chair Domenica Ghidei Biidu
15 June 2020
Council of Europe Strasbourg

8'30"Watch now
Council of Europe Balkan experiment shows how reconciliation can be achieved
18 July 2014
Council of Europe Strasbourg

45"Watch now
No Hate Speech Movement aims to stamp out intolerance
22 February 2013
Council of Europe Kehl, Germany

14’21”Watch now
Living Together report on multiculturalism in Europe
26 May 2014
Council of Europe Strasbourg