Refugees and Migration
Migration is not a threat to our democracies, but intolerance and hatred undoubtedly are. Our common objective must be to fight terrorism, not to fight migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
The most vulnerable of groups in Europe today is migrant children, who often are denied basic health care and education, and run the risk of being exploited by traffickers or smugglers.
As soon as refugees put their foot on European soil they should be treated equally under the European Convention of Human rights.
Do you want to know more about how we protect the human rights of refugees? The answers are just one click away.
Council of Europe videos on Refugees and migration

4'05"Watch now
How best to integrate refugees into their new home?
20 June 2020
Council of Europe Strasbourg

10'48"Watch now
Interview with Ambassador Drahoslav Štefánek
17 June 2020
Council of Europe Strasbourg

6'05"Watch now
Committee of Ministers passes new recommendation
27 May 2019
Council of Europe Strasbourg

3'25"Watch now
A new document to change someone's life for the better
28 March 2019
Council of Europe Strasbourg

8'30"Watch now
Council of Europe Balkan experiment shows how reconciliation can be achieved
18 July 2014
Council of Europe Strasbourg

8’00"Watch now
Cultural diversity is an asset not a threat
26 March 2011
Council of Europe Neuchatel, Switzerland

12'58''Watch now
Council of Europe’s GRETA fights brutal trade in human beings
20 January 2014
Council of Europe Strasbourg

4’00”Watch now
Encouraging migrants to build their own businesses
30 April 2015
Council of Europe Strasbourg
Guest videos on Refugees and migration

0'42"Watch now
Migrants are not so different from ourselves
24 April 2017
Universidade Lusófona Lisbon

0'37"Watch now
Don't judge by appearances - they can be misleading
24 April 2017
Universidade Lusófona Lisbon