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As a policy maker


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Have your authorities established or designated official bodies to co-ordinate and implement policies and measures to prevent and combat violence against women?


> How does your domestic law criminalise psychological violence, stalking, physical violence, sexual violence, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, forced abortion or sexual harassment?

> Does your country offer free legal aid for women victims of violence?

> Are measures available to protect women victims during investigations and judicial proceedings?

> Do your formal and non-formal education curricula at all levels include teaching material on issues such as gender-based violence against women and the right to personal integrity?

> Do any of your professional groups receive initial or in-service training on violence against women?

> How are restraining or protection orders made available to women victims of violence in your country?

> Has your country signed and ratified the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence? (Check the map below)

> Did you know there is a network of parliamentarians, engaged at national level in the fight against violence against women?





There is a tool for decision-makers which ensures that the answer to all those questions is yes.

It is called the Istanbul Convention and it structures and encourages the state in its responsibility to prevent violence against women, protect victims and prosecute the perpetrators.

Has your country ratified it?



Learn more about the Istanbul Convention


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