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Start To Talk Logo : starttotalk.org

É uma figura pública?


Desempenha algum papel na governação do desporto?

Dirige um clube desportivo, associação


ou federação?

É atleta, treinador ou treinadora?

Os seus filhos praticam desporto?

Preocupa-se com as crianças


e os seus direitos?

Está na hora de acabar com o abuso sexual contra crianças no desporto


É muito difícil as crianças falarem disto

Os adultos têm de quebrar o silêncio!

Start To Talk Logo : starttotalk.org

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uma em cada cinco crianças é vítima de violência sexual na Europa

Isto inclui contactos físicos inapropriado, a violação, o assédio sexual, aliciamento, exibicionismo, exploração para fins de prostituição e pornografia, a chantagem e extorsão sexual online.

O abuso sexual deixa frequentemente cicatrizes para a toda a vida


Abuso de poder e de confiança

entre 70% a 85% das crianças conhecem o seu agressor

a grande maioria das crianças são vítimas de pessoas da sua confiança

No desporto, o abuso sexual também acontece

No desporto, pode haver situações de potencial risco para as crianças porque:

Existe uma grande tolerância à violência física e às lesões

uma liderança autoritária e relações de poder desequilibradas entre treinadores/as e atletas

evita-se o escândalo: os incidentes são silenciados

setor dominado por homens

o contato físico é frequentemente indispensável

Importante estrutura de recompensas

são frequentemente tolerados os comportamento sexuais inapropriados, aceita-se a discriminação e a desigualdade entre homens e mulheres

Situações potenciais de risco: os balneários, os duches, as boleias, as noites fora de casa


É muito difícil as crianças falarem


Cerca de 1/3 das crianças vítimas de abuso sexual nunca contam a ninguém

Algumas crianças não são capazes de reconhecer o abuso sexual: crianças muito pequenas, crianças com deficiências

Medo que não acreditem nelas ou medo das consequências e represálias: impacto potencial na família, carreira, reputação

Vergonha e sentimento de culpa

As crianças não sabem a quem contar

Espera-se que os/as atletas sejam fortes, a vulnerabilidade é considerada uma fraqueza

Confusão: algumas crianças acreditam estar numa “relação” verdadeira


Os adultos têm de quebrar o silêncio

O desporto deveria ser um ambiente de capacitação e seguro para todas as crianças

Compete aos adultos prevenir os abusos, proteger as crianças e ajudar a combater a impunidade


Quebradores do Silêncio

Estes são atletas, treinadores e treinadoras, líderes de opinião e outros indivíduos que assumem o compromisso de adotar e promover medidas concretas para acabar com o abuso sexual contra crianças no desporto



"I excel at my sport thanks to the safe and healthy environment that I have enjoyed from the beginning of my career. I know that not all children are so lucky. I will do everything at my level to have codes of conduct implemented in my sport, to minimise risks and to know how to deal with them"

Mélina Robert-Michon
Olympic silver medallist, Discus Thrower, Rio 2016
Photo credit: Stéphane Kempinaire – Kmsp

"I have become a fulfilled woman, a CEO and a caring mother who listens to her children. I wish that, if they decide to do sport, that they can do it in a healthy environment where anyone is free to speak up"

Sarah Ourahmoune
Olympic silver medallist, boxing, Rio 2016
Photo credit: Pressesports

"Sport is my life. I’m enjoying its many benefits since my early childhood. We, the athletes, have to speak up. We must fight to protect sports values and for sport grounds to remain environments where all children can develop to their full potential, regardless of their origins. I will encourage other athletes to join this cause."

Ayodélé Ikuesan
Sprinter, silver medallist, European athletics championships
Photo credit : FFA (French Athletics Federation)

"At the age of 15, I was a national Champion in gymnastics and participated in the Moscow Olympics. I am a survivor of child sexual abuse in sport. It took me over 30 years to find my #voice. Today I support survivors and work to promote safe and protective sporting environments. It is the adults’ responsibility to keep children safe, healthy and happy. We must break the silence and #StartToTalk"

Gloria Viseras
Athlete’s advocate for safe sport

"There is no moment as beautiful as childhood to truly live sport. Sport holds the unique power to make girls and boys dream while, at the same time, teaching them how to live life. We, the people in the world of sport, have a moral obligation to fight for this world to be always safe and comforting for all children — anywhere in the world and regardless of their background."

Roberto Carlos
FIFA World Cup Winner, FIFA Legend

"A child’s love for sport is one of the most pure and beautiful feelings that exist. Since childhood, football has always been my safe haven, and this is exactly what sport practice should feel like for every boy or girl around the world. Whoever loves sport and cares about human life must be ready to stand up for child protection."

Iker Casillas
FIFA World Cup Winner, FIFA Legend

"Many children suffer abuse in their sport activities; adults must work to stop this and create safe environments. There’s no time to waste, it´s time to #StartToTalk and futsal players are committed with the cause"

Carlos Ortiz
Captain of the Spanish National Men Team of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF)

"Education and strict protocols are needed to identify, to prevent and to avoid sexual abuse that, in 80% of cases, is from the child’s circle of trust. Futsal players are against these actions and support #StartToTalk."

Anita Lujan
Captain of the Spanish National Women Team of the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF)

"I became the victim of sexual abuse in the youth academy of Vitesse football club at the age of twelve. For twenty years I walked around with my secret, a big taboo in the sports world. I overcame a deep psychological crisis because of the abuse and now want to help other athletes and prevent abuse. That is why I founded the ‘’Break the silence Foundation’’, which is committed to prevent and tackle abuse in sports."

Renald Majoor
Director of the Break the silence Foundation Photo credit : Jiri Buller

"When I remember my youth, my sport memories are the most present and allow me to relive the happiness and innocence of those days. This is why, whether in my role as a public figure or a sportswoman, I feel compelled and have always tried to defend children’s rights and break the silence surrounding sexual abuse. Let us ensure that sport makes magic in the life of every child"

Rosa Mota
Marathon runner, 1st woman in Portugal to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games (Seoul, 1988). Bronze medallist at the 1st women’s Olympic marathon (LA, 1984)


Transformadores do jogo

Estes são governos, organizações, instituições, federações, clubes e equipas que em parceria connosco estão a introduzir as mudanças necessárias para fazer do desporto um ambiente seguro e empoderador para todas as crianças

"Sport has the power to positively affect social groups; it has the power to change them. It inspires us through its values to create a more human society. Leading figures in sport and sports bodies must especially protect children and young people from any kind of abuse within the field of sport, within the sports family. We must ensure a healthy and safe sports environment that contributes to the physical and mental development of children and young people and safeguards the Olympic sports values in all areas and in society as a whole. Zero tolerance for abuse! We fight all forms of abuse in sport, at school, on the field, in the arena! And we say: ‘Break the Silence - Speak out, do not tolerate’. We all work together for a new, bright, modern, fair, transparent and democratic sport structure."

Mr Lefteris Avgenakis
Deputy Minister of Culture and Sports of Greece

"A prática desportiva é para muitas crianças e jovens um dos seus principais lugares de conforto, onde encontram a sua segunda família. A confiança e entrega, próprias de um ambiente saudável geram a ilusão da oportunidade, podendo dar lugar a situações de abuso sexual. É fundamental que cada um de nós possa contribuir para quebrar o silêncio, garantindo que o Desporto protege!"

João Paulo Rebelo
Secretário de Estado da Juventude e Desporto

"Tendo em conta o papel único que o desporto desempenha na vida das crianças e jovens atletas, particularmente na sua educação, formação e desenvolvimento pessoal e social, estamos empenhados em sensibilizar e implementar medidas de proteção nas organizações desportivas, bem como capacitar os atletas e todos aqueles em posições de influência no desporto - dirigentes e colaboradores das federações, associações e clubes, treinadores e treinadoras, equipas técnicas, pais e familiares, para os riscos relacionados com o assédio sexual e o abuso no contexto desportivo"

Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude

"As autoridades públicas e as organizações desportivas partilham a responsabilidade de prevenir e combater o abuso sexual das crianças no desporto. Acredito que muitos governos, organizações e instituições irão ser nossos parceiros nesta iniciativa para despoletar o potencial do desporto na criação de ambientes seguros e protetores das crianças. Não seja um mero espetador, mude as “regras do jogo”!"

Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni
Secretária-Geral Adjunta do Conselho da Europa

"Creating a safe playing environment for children is integral to our social responsibility objectives. The tools and materials developed by the Council of Europe as part of its Start to Talk initiative are extremely valuable and will certainly complement our own measures. We are committed to cooperate with the Council of Europe to further strengthen the protection of children in sport, particularly in football."

"FIFA would like to express its support for the “Start to talk” initiative of the Council of Europe Agreement on Sport (EPAS). FIFA has a statutory commitment, elaborated in its human rights policy, to respecting all internationally recognised human rights. It is in the process of expanding its policy framework in order to address precisely the protection of children and vulnerable adults. Through concrete actions and cooperation in policy formulation between the Council of Europe and FIFA, we look forward to benefiting from each other’s experience and expertise in order to create a safer environment for the youngest and most vulnerable members of our communities."

"Oro, Plata y Bronce is dedicated to the promotion of safe sport, free from all forms of violence against athletes. We support athletes and their families and work with sport organisations and institutions to help reduce risks for children, young athletes and vulnerable adults. We are delighted to join and amplify the Council of Europe #starttotalk initiative."

"With our network of over 14 500 practitioners committed to stop child sexual exploitation and trafficking in the United-Kingdom, we are delighted to support the #starttotalk campaign. We are fully committed to raising awareness of the standards, tools and resources developed by the Council of Europe and to promote the silence breakers’ commitment across our network."

"The Government of Spain gives absolute priority to the needs and rights of children, and to the struggle to guarantee them a safe, healthy and abuse-free environment. The physical and sporting activity of our children is a vital part of their integral development. For the Ministry of Justice and the High Council for Sport of Spain, abuse stays off side #abusestaysoffside"

The Ministry of Justice and the High Council for Sport of Spain. Spanish government (Dolores Delgado, Maria José Rienda)

"Futsal is practiced by girls and boys since early years, at school or sport clubs and leagues, and always surrounded by adults. Make a goal playing with whoever you want, but mainly… save every uncomfortable situation for you, don´t be afraid and #StartToTalk. AJFS & AJFSF give you all the support!"

AJFS & AJFSF Association of professional futsal players (AJFS) and Association of women futsal players (AJFSF) [Asociación de Jugadores profesionales de Fútbol Sala y Asociación de Jugadoras de Fútbol Sala Femenino]

"We are deeply affected by the immense suffering of victims of sexual abuse. What they experience is very dramatic. That is why we take measures to support victims, to act decisively against perpetrators and to prevent more casualties. The #StartToTalk initiative of the Council of Europe is very helpful in this"

The Dutch Olympic Committee*Dutch Sports Federation (NOC*NSF)

"The Norwegian Government is strongly committed to fighting all forms of violence and sexual abuse against children. The large majority of our children and teenagers have participated in sports at some point in their childhood. We owe them to fully enjoy their rights to participate in sport in a safe environment, free from sexual violence."

Trine Skei Grande, Minister of Culture & Linda Hofstad Helleland, Minister of Children and Equality


Podemos ajudar


Council of Europe Logo Council of Europe - End Child Sex Abuse Campaign Logo

A Convenção do Conselho da Europa para a Proteção das Crianças contra a Exploração Sexual e os Abusos Sexuais identifica as medidas que têm de ser adotadas

Protege as crianças em 48 países.

Para acabar com o abuso sexual contra crianças no desporto,
o Conselho da Europa ajuda a:

Melhorar a legislação e as políticas

Definir estratégias de proteção das crianças para as estruturas, atividades e eventos desportivos

Desenvolver códigos de condutas

Formar os profissionais do desporto: treinadores e treinadoras, dirigentes desportivos e decisores políticos

Capacitar os pais e mães

Capacitar as crianças


Para saber mais


O Conselho da Europa propõe muitas ferramentas que são úteis. A maior parte está disponível em inglês e em francês, e algumas em português.

Em Portugal, a campanha Start To Talk foi lançada em 22/11/2018. Venham descobrir Informações sobre parceiros, eventos, materiais e atividades em Portugal.

Pro Safe Sport

Um projeto em cooperação com a União Europeia para proteger as crianças no desporto

Construir a Europa para e com as crianças

O nosso trabalho na área da proteção dos direitos das crianças e eliminação da violência contra as crianças


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